Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

How To Become A Guy Magnet

Are You Facing Any Of The Following Situations…

I would like to ask you a few questions here…See if you relate –

Have you ever come across a man who seemed perfect relationship material but after a few dates you could tell that he just didn’t feel the same level of attraction as you felt for him?

And you really wanted to take things to the next level…But for some reason…He didn’t show a similar intention and you didn’t know what to do about it?


Do you often struggle to keep a man’s interest for long? Have you ever slept with a guy too soon only to realize that he has almost disappeared from your life for no apparent reason?

And does it happen a lot even when you know it shouldn’t be happening?


Are you in a relationship where you just don’t know how to get him to commit further & take it to the next level? And you always ask yourself- “Why isn’t MY RELATIONSHIP moving forward?

Every time you try to bring up this subject he always avoids the topic and acts overly distant & withdrawn to the point where you fear he might leave you?

And finally…

Are you in a relationship or married to a man who is sort of pulling away and losing interest in you…Or has already broken up & you want to get him back?

Are you feeling absolutely helpless and frustrated because you want to make him understand how much you want to be with him but for some reason he doesn’t see that?

It doesn't matter...If you find it hard to keep a man interested after the first few dates or want him to pop the question & marry you or are just having trouble in your marriage & want him to feel the same level of attraction for you as he did in the past.

I am going to show you exactly how to keep your man close to you and inspire that side inside him which will keep him utterly convinced that you are the only woman for him.

Click The method I am about to reveal isn’t based on bookish theory or guesswork

The Ultimate Guide To Talking Dirty

“How To Really Talk
Dirty In Bed”

“Thousands of women now know the truth…
My guide is proven to work in under 24 hours
I know exactly what you need and that is why I wrote this guide specially for you”

Men LOVE sex.

Truth #1: “We know one thing: no sex equals unhappiness.”
(source :P rofessor Edward Laumann, Author: The Social Organization of Sexuality)

And for the most part women love to be made love to, sometimes we want have it hardcore, but let’s face up to the truth here ladies, most of the times it would be perfect if our man knows how to mix it up a little bit.

Let’s look at it this way:

This is the 21st century and women can’t just lay down on their back and expect magic to happen.

There are plenty of women out there who would do much more for a few hundred dollars PLUS, the verdict is in, most men AND women cheat because of a lack of passion in the relationship.

Truth #2: “Lack of sex is one of the top three reasons why married couples divorce.”
(source: Creighton University Center for Marriage and Family)

If you want to keep your man, weather you are married or are a couple, you, as the woman have got to take to task your part of the relationship and do what it takes to keep your man.

You’ve got to put in the microscopic amount of effort if you want to have a rewarding, happy relationship.

Truth #3: “SEVEN solid reasons why sex is GREAT!
(source: CBSNews.com) Here’s a quick list of reasons why good sex is great!

  1. Makes you peaceful: researchers in Scotland found that frequent sex leads to lowered diastolic blood pressure allowing you to be more calm in stressful situations
  2. Boosts your ability to combat sickness: having sex once or twice a week means that you’ll have more Immunoglobulin A, also known as IgA, which protects your body against infections.
  3. Is a great workout: having sex less than two dozen times at an hour each session will melt off 3,570 calories.”Sex is a great mode of exercise”: Dr. Patti Britton, President Association of Sexuality Educators and Therapists
  4. Boosts your self-esteem: “one of the reasons why people have sex…” Archives of Sexual Behavior, University of Texas
  5. Strengthens the bond with your lover: Sex and orgasms increases the amount of oxytocin in your body: University of Pittsburgh. “Oxytocin allows us to feel the urge to nurture and bond.” – Dr.Britton
  6. Helps you rest better: Researchers also say that oxytocin released after intercourse helps promote better sleep, which causes a whole host of goodie benefits like maintaining a healthy weight.
  7. Reduces pain: After intercourse, endorphins flood the body and this causes you to almost erase pains headaches, arthritis and even PMS symptoms.

How to Flirt with Women- Easy

How a Former Stuttering, Shy NerdCracked the Code to Flirting with Women and Creating Sexual Attraction...

3 Secrets That Women Will Never Reveal To You

(Read carefully because this will change the way you look at women)

Secret #1- You can’t be her friend first

This is the most common mistake guys make with women. It’s the ultimate ‘cart before the horse’ mentality where you act like her friend before trying to be her lover. The mindset is that being her best friend’helps show a girl that you have all the qualities of a man she would want to date.

The problem is sexual attraction doesn’t work this way. It only takes a few moments for a woman to determine if she’s going to sleep with a guy. By acting like her friend, you’re GUARANTEED to become...Her friend!

To make a woman feel attraction, you have to communicate with her in a specific manner from the moment you meet. This is often called flirting. It’s a secret language that is a lot different from the typical “let’s be friends” conversation.

Secret #2- You must trigger her emotions

Want to know the secret to understanding why women act the way they do? It all comes down to how they make most of their decisions.

We men base most of our decisions on logic. And we typically follow this pattern when talking to women. Actions like buying drinks, paying for dinner, and asking ‘background questions’ are often done as a way to appeal to the logical side of her brain. In essence, guys who do this are trying to prove their value as a Good Catch.

But there’s something that you probably didn’t know...

Women base most of their decisions on emotions. Most of the time, they’ll base their decision on how they feel. THEN they back up their decision with logic.

So you could take a girl out for dinner, buy her expensive gifts, and treat her like a queen. But if you can’t trigger her emotions, she’ll dump you for the first guy who does!

Secret #3- You don’t have to be good looking, wealthy or ‘the right age’

This is a secret that’s been a big realization for me. I’ve spent countless hours hanging out in the ‘singles scene’. And during this time, I’ve witnessed DOZENS of guys go home with beautiful women even when they were ugly, poor, fat, old, (or all 4).

As I mentioned before, women choose men based on the emotions that he can provide. There is one universal commonality that all these ‘successful losers’ have in common- The all understand that flirting is the key to triggering a woman’s emotional response. As long as she’s feeling thatsexual tension, it won’t matter if you’re short, old, ugly, or flat-broke.

So forget all you’ve heard about attracting women, because you’re about to learn the MOST revolutionary discovery I’ve made about women...

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